Saturday, June 21, 2014

First blog ever! 29 years old is mighty fine.

So, I decided to give this blogging a try. To blog my, get fit for a bikini before beach vacation and other rambles I may have through out the day. I am assuming if anyone reads what I have to say that you may had googled introvert and I happy to have you looking at my blog and happy to not have to make small talk, ha! ;).

I recently turned 29 years old, June 18th...which this week totally got me off track a little bit with my trying to get fit. I was hoping to keep my birthday a secret at work because I didn't want all the attention, but that failed. My co-worker made me a cake, which was super sweet and it was like homemade, not from the store or from a box mix and she also got my a dr. pepper. Now people tend to associate me with dr. pepper because it use to be all that I drink, now I am trying to cut down and drink more water. Then to totally let the cat out of the bag, my mother had balloons and candy delivered. I do appreciate the gifts and well wishes, it's just the attention makes me uneasy sometimes. After work I got my hair done, have to say I may get may done once a year, maybe twice a year....having to strike up conversation with the hair dresser is hard and it gets awkward. My hair is nice though ;)

Now, why would someone who hates attention want to be prancing around in a bikini with a hot body? It doesn't make sense..I know, but beaches tend to be crowded places and people are probably silently judging others, so if anyone is judging me....hopefully it won't be'll be positive attention..yeah that's my logic..But, I am jogging/walking 30 minutes a day using the Couch to 5K app and doing the Jillian Micheal's 6 weeks Ab workout. Also eating a little healthier...and I do feel better and body is looking a little better. I'll add pictures later, once I get the hang of this whole blogging mess.

Now that that concludes, my first blog ever.  :-D